9 ways to skyrocket your website’s conversion rate this 2018

9 ways to skyrocket your website’s conversion rate this 2018

Have you noticed a dip in leads through your website? 90% of folks having websites face this issue more or less. The truth is we all want a website that generates clients for us, but it is not as easy as it sounds to understand it better, let's run a thought experiment. Imagine two sites selling the same product to the same people, with the same website design. Site A has only a couple hundred visitors per month. Site B has several thousand visitors per month, and let's say there's no way for site B to increase its traffic further-for these purposes, it's tapped out. How would site A increase its revenue?
If you said "increase its traffic," you're in good company. That's how most people I've met answer. But it demonstrates a subtle bias among new marketers-most revenue problems are approached by increasing traffic. Strategies like content marketing, SEO, and social media marketing (all of which are designed to increase traffic) are both popular and effective, but they aren't the only way to make more money online.
Site B is my example for this. Assume that site B can no longer increase its traffic stream-is its revenue tapped out, too? I'm guessing you've already figured out the correct answer is "no," and there's a strategy both site A and site B can use to increase revenue-and that's increasing the conversion rate on-site.
Your conversion rate is a measure of how many times your on-site users "convert"-which could mean filling out a form, calling a phone number, clicking an ad, or buying a product directly, depending on your type of business. In any case, it's a quantifiable action a user takes on your site that leads to revenue (or a step closer to revenue). So how do you increase the number of conversions on your site:
1. Build a Sales Funnel
Your sales funnel is the ticket to your success. If you build it the right way, structuring the drip campaigns properly, you can easily build a cash machine. We've employed highly-complex sales funnels on dozens of websites that generate revenue for clients. We can tell you firsthand that this is hands down the best way to increase your conversions.
2. Make your call(s) to action unmissable. 
Your call to action is what asks users to convert-it could be a landing page for your product or a form for users to use to sign up for an email list. Whatever it is, it needs to be prominently visible. Make it stand out with a unique design or use it as a "soft" popup after a user sits idle on your site. Include it near the top of every page, or link to a call to action on nearly every page of your site. Don't be obnoxious about it, but do make your calls to action prominent.
3. Tackle objections head on
People are suspicious, and they don't want to be sold, snookered, or tricked. They will have objections when they scope out your offer. You basically have two options when it comes to disarming suspicions and overcoming objections.
Option One: You can try to keep piling bonuses on until they feel like they would be stupid not to get in on your offer. This is the standard, "As Seen On TV," trick. "But wait, there's more!" This can work but it can also generate the feeling that it's all too good to be true. Visitors may feel like they're getting pulled into an infomercial.
Option Two: A better option is to address all objections head on. Speak to their fears. If you're able to offer a really low price, explain why. If you operate in an industry with a bad reputation, speak openly about that. The more upfront you are, the less objections people will have. One simple way to address objections is to create a Frequently Asked Questions section. This allows you to provide detailed answers to common objections and to dispel some of the suspicion.
4. Include testimonials, reviews, and maybe a guarantee.
Trust is a major factor for conversion, but you have to earn that trust-especially with new users. Include user reviews or testimonials if you have them-users almost invariably trust brands more when they offer lots of third-party reviews. If you have any indications of authority, such as affiliations with major industry influencers, publishers, or brands, show them off with badges, and consider offering a guarantee on your product to make yourself even more trustworthy.
5. Use strong action words in your headline. 
The strength of your headline can make or break the conversion, as it's usually the first thing people see and the foundation for their impression of the opportunity. You only have a handful of words to make your product (or offer) seem as compelling as possible. Unfortunately, that usually leads to gimmicks and clichés, which most modern users detest. Instead of falling for these traps, use strong action words and concise, straightforward language to make a clear, unique value proposition.
6. Remove distraction
This is big. You want people to focus on a single action and not be distracted from it. The more visual inputs and action options your visitors have to process, the less likely they are to make a conversion decision. Minimizing distractions like unnecessary product options, links, and extraneous information will increase the conversion rate. On your landing pages and product pages, remove or minimize everything that is not relevant to users taking action.
  • Remove or shrink the menu.
  • Get rid of sidebars and big headers.
  • Take off irrelevant (stock) images.
  • Think about removing navigation on landing pages.
Ask yourself is there anything else that you could take off page, something that is NOT contributing to the conversion?
8. Be straightforward with your products and services.
Today's consumers have strong BS-detectors, which means they know when you're being transparent and when you're covering up for a defect with colourful or manipulative language. Instead of trying to use a hockey gimmick or coercive language to sell your product, be straightforward about it. Include concise, honest bullet points about the advantages of your product and make it clear what the value is to your customers. The more honest and upfront you are, the better.
9. Give your site a total makeover
If your site is so bad that a few simple tweaks won't fix things, you may need to think about giving it a complete makeover. Yes, this will cost a bit up front. Yes, it's going to be a total pain in the butt.
But you need to think about this in terms of long-term costs and benefits. How much will your terrible conversion rate cost you over the course of this year? Five years? This isn't just about dollars and cents. How much further will your competition get if they have a website that is crushing it? Eventually, you're going to be left in the dust.
Hiring a web design team to craft you a gorgeous, conversion-cantered site is a small short-term cost with a huge long-term benefit. Don't settle for lousy conversion rates when you don't have to.
Many people assume that low conversion rates are the result of a poor product or service. Thankfully, that isn't true. By implementing all or some of the steps listed above, you can fix your problem. If you feel, this wouldn't help, we are always there to give you an expert hand.
Get to www.iquincesoft.com and speak to our web strategists, we can boost your conversions.


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